screen printing > Equipment

Someone please tralk me into buying a Stampinator

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Our specs are ROQ Next 14/10 with Evo flash L and a ROQ Iron. I`m not too pleased with the performance of the ROQ Iron. Too much ink pick-up on the teflon sheet and too much blurry edges at times or smudged ink. We have stationed the Iron right after our first flash. I`m hoping for significant improvements using a Stampinator. Hoping as well for a less tacky underbase.

We got ours up and running yesterday. First impressions, buy one. The prints feel way smoother, less "plastic", top colors appear a little brighter too.... Very expensive, about 3k more than it should be IMHO, but man, this is the way to go if you want better prints....


--- Quote from: Homer on November 18, 2023, 11:22:39 AM ---We got ours up and running yesterday. First impressions, buy one. The prints feel way smoother, less "plastic", top colors appear a little brighter too.... Very expensive, about 3k more than it should be IMHO, but man, this is the way to go if you want better prints....

--- End quote ---
How did you set it up? After the first flash or instead of the first flash (use it as the first flash)?

at the moment, we have it as first flash in head 3. We have our standard flash on stand by if this fails but trial runs on Friday were very promising. We are curious to see if we can still preheat our platens with it, not too sure how that will work out. The teflon doesn't appear to stick to freshly tacked platens, so we may be ok. It says it comes "pre set" for your press as far as downward force but I can see us backing that off after some initial use.

I want to pull the trigger on one but I run almost every job on revolver mode so I'm worried about tackiness or other issues stamping each color on a revolve job. Any experience running a job like that or is this best used for single rotation jobs?


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