Artist > General Art Discussions


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I'm getting more and more canva files and considering biting the ($120 yr) bullet so I can end the endless back and forth with customers.
Yes, it many very well not be a "professional" program, but it feels like change is on the wind and we may very well need to sway with the breeze. :-(

I get them daily.  I would not call anyone using Canva a professional graphic artist.  Most are using the free version and the files are just not good enough to print.

After telling the customer that we have to charge $100 art charge for making their very low res complicated jpeg from canva work for printing, they went full Karen and sent us this wonderful vetorized .svg that was obviously traced. You may not be able to tell but that is supposed to be a quad rider.

The offset print shop we share the building with has their customer use PDF print under file tab.  Then specify RGB below that in the box.  I then get a reasonable image to screen print.  The customer does have to start with a good image.


--- Quote from: inkman996 on December 21, 2023, 08:08:57 AM ---After telling the customer that we have to charge $100 art charge for making their very low res complicated jpeg from canva work for printing, they went full Karen and sent us this wonderful vetorized .svg that was obviously traced. You may not be able to tell but that is supposed to be a quad rider.

--- End quote ---

So this is like a puzzle, "can you find the hidden quad rider?"



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