screen printing > Equipment

Converting Nuarc MSP 3140 to Saati LED Single Point Bulb

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Hey Everyone,
I did a search but can't seem to find it. I remember seeing someone on here changing out a MSP3140 to LED with the Saati bulb. Has anyone else done this? We are CTS, no use for the hold down or glass, so really we would be disconnecting the unit and just using the box / frame. The Saati bulb comes with its own timer.

Anyone done this?


We have the Saati 450, it's pretty good sized, roughly a cubic foot or slightly larger, so I guess you would need to check to see if it can fit inside the MSP. But one of the guys here built a tunnel of sorts, painted a flat black on the inside, with a slot to drop a frame into (like a toaster) and the lamp was at the other end, the appropriate distance for exposure. That might be easier than retrofitting the MSP. We use ours with a vacuum frame, Luddites that we are...


blue moon:
Which version of the 3140?
We have the original with 4 posts, just removed the rest and put the light under it. We added a timer to control the exposure.


--- Quote from: blue moon on November 03, 2022, 12:52:20 AM ---Which version of the 3140?
We have the original with 4 posts, just removed the rest and put the light under it. We added a timer to control the exposure.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately not that one as that sounds good. Ours is only 10 years old so a "newer" one. But was also thinking of building a container where you can slide the screen in like a toaster. Take up less room

I have a ryonet box with the Saati bulb that I converted for CTS.

The toaster setup would save some space. But the slide-through contraption I have saves a couple of steps.

If I were in your shoes I’d skip the retrofit and build the toaster setup just to keep it simple. Sell the nuarc. Maybe bonus points if you get the full tablet set for the timer.


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