screen printing > Screen Making

Exile Spyder-screens not registering on press correctly

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Ever since we have an Exile Spyder we are having problems setting up screens on press. Almost non of the jobs sets up in registration. We would have to micro at least a couple of screens with each setup. I checked if I can take a screen print registration marks and then remove it from the Spyder and then repeat the process over and over again. The regi marks always fall in the same spot on the same screen. Where else could the problem be located. We had this issue while we still had our M&R press and now it continues with our ROQ Next. I feel like there is too much pressure applied by the clamps on the Spyder which might pull the mesh too much? The stop blocks on the tri loc do not match the position of the stop blocks on the Spyder either by 100%. I assume this could as well be an area of concern.
I still got screens sitting on a shelf with images that were made using film. Those screens register on press without problems.

Advise would be more than welcome.

I was told that for every millimeter of stretch that the drum pushes on the mesh, the tension changes by 4 newtons. First I would shim the Spyder to get the drum to barely touch the mesh. Second, if the blocks on each don't match 100% you are unlikely to ever get perfect reg with out some modifications to the entire system.

This is just one of reasons why we choose MHM. All of those variables go away with their pin system.


--- Quote from: 1964GN on April 24, 2022, 06:12:31 AM ---I was told that for every millimeter of stretch that the drum pushes on the mesh, the tension changes by 4 newtons. First I would shim the Spyder to get the drum to barely touch the mesh. Second, if the blocks on each don't match 100% you are unlikely to ever get perfect reg with out some modifications to the entire system.

This is just one of reasons why we choose MHM. All of those variables go away with their pin system.

--- End quote ---
The pin system is a nice option to have, and ROQ got as well a pin system which is slightly different to the MHM pins. Thing is you can`t get an attachment for the Spyder for the ROQ pin system.


Look at you Dave, giving sage comments. Kudos to you. As said, there are the always present interdependant variables that mix up the process of producing a perfectly registered print from the first strike off to the end of the run. With regards to the MHM pin system well, it originated with old school (still used) table print systems.


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