Author Topic: MHM S-Xtreme SPSX-12, as good as new, for sale  (Read 2423 times)

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MHM S-Xtreme SPSX-12, as good as new, for sale
« on: March 31, 2022, 04:05:59 AM »
My friend is closing down his shop.
He got a MHM S-Xtreme SPSX 12 for sale + 3 flash units, MHM Spyder too.
All the equipment is as good as new. They opened shop in 2020 and a week later shut down hit and business has not picked up for them since then. That press has hardly seen any action. Only catch is it`s located in Yokohama JAPAN but in terms of shipping it might be still interesting for any shop on the west coast.I`m just doing a favour and asking here as he is not member on this fine forum. My friend still got his main business, printshop, in Berlin with 4 MHM presses. He just wants to sell all that stuff he got in Yokohama instead of having it shipped back to Berlin.

So if anyone is interested please get in touch, and let me know how much they might be willing to pay. Photos can be provided. I`m going down there hopefully in a couple of weeks to take a look myself.