screen printing > Screen Making
Trouble reclaiming Murakami T9
Raw Paw:
Hello warriors of the print realm.
Hopefully simple question here.. It just same to my attention our T9 is not reclaiming nice.. Rather than disolving into a nice lather after spraying on the emulsion remover and scrubbing, it is being blasted off in chunks. The chunks are then clogging our drainage system. No dip tank, manually reclaiming and spraying.
This is our emulsion remover -
Are all emulsion removers more or less the same? Should we use a specific one for PP emulsions? I know underexposure can cause reclaim to be difficult, I was also made aware that having too strong of emulsion remover can be counter productive and cause this issue. Any other variables to be aware of?
Scrubbing with emulsion remover and using the pressure washer immediately, as you've been doing, should be fine. If by chance though, it's allowed to sit for a while, I've seen problems where it's harder to reclaim. I don't think we've used T9 here (maybe experimented with it once) so this is kind of general as emulsion removing goes.
I run into this problem more than I like, I use two different emulsion brands and one reclaims very easy and the other blows out in chunks at times, I'm thinking the one that blows out in chunks has more solids in the mix than the other brand, we use the same emulsion remover for both. Now I will say unlike you we don't scrub the screens, just spray let sit for a minute or so and blast away.
have you reached out to murakami? I feel like they could probably give you better insight than anyone here. Unless there is a murakami specific shop on here.
Doug S:
I use the T9 here. I have a dip tank though and never had that problem unless I'm reclaiming a 24 or 40 mesh. There have been times that I've used straight genzyme emulsion remover when my tank chemical get weak.
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