I have a Kornit paradigm that I am about to dump, available for spare parts if anyone is interested.
We never managed to get it running properly.
On white T shirts it was great but unfortunately most of our orders are for black shirts.
We never found a white for the base that would print without drying in the screen.
For small runs on dark it's not efficient because you need to make and register a base screen.
For long runs the base white was a nightmare.
I remember seeing similar units at Long Beach and they were spraying the white screen with water to keep it open.
It's possible that they have developed a white base that works well, i'm not aware of one.
We did get good results with a discharge base but that works if there is no white in the design.
The Kornit paradigm does not have a white ink. By the way Kornit discontinued this model.
I think if you want to do DTG then get a dedicated DTG unit, just remember these machines need to work a lot, the time and cost of maintenance doesn't pay if you are not printing a lot.