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My approach to a sim process left chest.

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So, I have this vid that shows getting in a job for a school that was junk and needed to be cleaned up. I felt it needed clean dup. If I can help it, (can fit the time in), I take the time to clean things up so they can print well. Had I left this alone, it would not have come out as good and the issues with it would have been very noticeable. It’s just another example of the customer never really seeing what goes into a job, but they like it.

The other factor for this is to illustrate how I approach a (sim process job) as a left chest. I think it came out very well for what we did.

1st, When doing sim process, I push it as large as I am able,  Thats the first thing.

2nd, I look to beef up the LPI so the ti can get the most out of it...at a smaller size.  There is not much worse than doing a small sim process at 50lpi that has detail in it.

This was a Base white (230 mesh), the was pretty heavily filled. Then a Yellow, Red, Blue Black.
Going on a Grey and a Royal “polo” as a left chest.


That looks pretty great for low res art and rough fabric and small size for what it is.

This would've 100% been a great option for a DTF transfer, then you don't have to worry about color counts, it's not a huge image so not a bad transfer feel, and would've saved a bunch of time.

If the customer is happy I'm happy, but in this case transfer

this is the way

I appreciate that feedback and see the validity in the content. Here, we have the time and the ability to screen print it. The detail would have come out better with the Digital print but this is pretty close. I'm considering DTF for my own use at home but for now, at work, everything will be screen printed.  At retail, we will do as few as 50 shirts. Probably even less. Doesn't really matter. As long as they are paying what we charge, we are doing good. We even have an Epson F2000 and a Kornit avalanche sitting there needing new heads but the owners not moving on it.  We could do smarter business but it's not going to happen soon. In the mean time, I'll enjoy doing these.


--- Quote from: zanegun08 on May 19, 2021, 09:45:34 PM ---
If the customer is happy I'm happy, but in this case transfer

this is the way

--- End quote ---

Lately this is the way as well for us with DTF. Comes in super handy and everyone is happy. Good print Dan

What LPI did you use in the end Dan? Great work.


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