For us it is definitely our work truck... The "Blue Dragon"...

The picture doesn't do it justice...
I should preface my rant... the Blue Dragon was free... and came from Chicago... It was actually a blessing!!
Shortly after we got her, the AC/Heat blower stopped working... Switches and all!! So I bypassed it with a simple on off switch... So it either is off, or on full blast.... Not that big of a deal...
Within a few weeks the AC compressor went out... Cant have that in GA

... So I replaced it with a junk yard compressor... Good to go right..??
A few weeks later the drivers side window failed... My partner Scott decided to investigate the situation, and in doing this he burnt up the switches that control "all" of the windows... So we take out the motor on the drivers side, and pin the window, so it can be manually pulled up and down... Unfortunately all of the other windows will no longer work. Plus the rear passenger side window was half way down when this happened (Where it remains today)...
Now the fun part...
Remember it came from Chicago. Salt really does a number on a car. Seriously this thing is a rust bucket.
The brake system decides to give out while Scott is out seeing customers

... Luckily the E-Brake works... So I replace all of the brake lines... Except one on the rear axle.
I thought to myself... "Self... that line looks ok, Ill just leave it". So a week later I am driving, and that line blows out, 1.5 hours from the house...

So I replace all of the remaining brake lines... Then one of the front calipers starts leaking.... So I replace both of the front calipers...
Recently, if you let the RPM go beloe 1000 it stalls. Cranks back up every time, but still annoying. I think it has something to do with the fuel lines..??
I said all of that to say this....
We finally retired the Blue Dragon today, and got a GMC work van!! 72K miles, no rust, I am a happy camper!!
Gonna start running delivery routs around Atlanta soon...