Computers and Software > Separation Programs


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--- Quote from: zanegun08 on February 25, 2021, 03:03:50 PM ---Please post photo evidence to backup the initial claim.

All it said in your follow up that you are doing more linearization in a roundabout way, I think that this should be controlled at the RIP level / Photoshop dot gain control level, not a turn your dots to 85 LPI and Pray it comes out like 60 LPI, and then actually be tweaking more in the separation to compensate further for the gain you know that's going to happen.

At the end of the day you are spending a lot of time chasing dots, post some prints to show that all these extra steps are worth it, and tell me how it is scalable.


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I can post some images.  Will do that.

Yes, (I do my controlling at the RIP level).  I like to separate, and let my machine to the rest. This streamlines the process of separations in house. I just go in and choose the correct saved curve for the job a hand.

I have already done this work up front, (so that I don’t spend my days chasing dots). ;)

There are some time when I do some additional compensation in the art. More so, due to additional factors for the order. Like knowing what it’s going on and what I’m doing with it or where it’s at in the print sequence. When I do this, It’s not across the board. It’s more like (in an isolated area) where I want to control something for a specific reason. For specific areas, It's easier to do it on the fly in the file.

Well, I can post (what I do), but I can’t really post comparisons, since we don’t print two jobs with the same content, with one at 65lpi and one at 75lpi. Never a reason to.

Hmmmm, someone here once told me, "We're just printing T Shirts."  Not that I agree though


This is a 75lpi. It would have been better as a 6 spot color job, but I need to run it on this 5 color press. So I needed to simulate this, but it had these very large areas of solid color.  I would not want to do that at 55lpi. The dots would be vert fat straight out of the printer.

By upping the LPI making it a smaller dot (and using a curve in the RIP to open up the mid tones of the 75lpi, It presents a much smoother, more continuous look to it. Still, a bit grainy over using a solid spot color, but far better than if Iw ere to use a 55 or 65.  It could look a bit better if at 85lpi, but Didn’t need to push it that far.

If I were to use Wet imagesetter film, at 75lpi, it would look far better with smaller (more accurate dot sizes) in comparison. But I don’t have a wet film imagesetter to show.

This 75lpi of of my Epson I would say is similar to the same size of a 65lpi on a Wet film imagesetter.  But no, I didn’t measure one to the other and compare.  Just looks fatter.


--- Quote from: zanegun08 on February 25, 2021, 03:03:50 PM ---Please post photo evidence to backup the initial claim.

All it said in your follow up that you are doing more linearization in a roundabout way, I think that this should be controlled at the RIP level / Photoshop dot gain control level, not a turn your dots to 85 LPI and Pray it comes out like 60 LPI, and then actually be tweaking more in the separation to compensate further for the gain you know that's going to happen.

At the end of the day you are spending a lot of time chasing dots, post some prints to show that all these extra steps are worth it, and tell me how it is scalable.


--- End quote ---

I just re-read your last post.

I don’t think I’m doing anything elaborate”. Pretty common stuff. I’m not doing any special “Linearization” each time.  I just did a few test way back, have a saved setting, and I apply that as needed. Like before I print, I move up to Accurip, Change the dot gain control and off I print.  No Hokus Pokus going on. No chasing of the tail.  And you are right. Control it at the RIP.  No Praying. Just calculated steps towards my already pre determined end game based off of past positive experience.  Again tho,  I don’t need to do any additional tweaking in the seps themselves.  I might have confused you with the way I worked my post or I’m just not good at getting my message out. LOL.
My wife recently told me she can’t follow my post and that I’m all over the place.  I dunno, I like apples.


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