Author Topic: I-IMAGE halftones double imaging on 1 channel  (Read 1537 times)

Offline TheGhost

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I-IMAGE halftones double imaging on 1 channel
« on: February 18, 2021, 01:29:54 PM »
Had this issue yesterday with my i-image which I've had happen once before but it was a single color spot design previously which it wasn't such a problem for.

Yesterday it was a 7 color print and only one channel (SofthandRed-225s) was doing the double image print.

The solution was to set it to unidirectional.

The tech suggested renaming the file (it was a repeat job but I adjusted the file so had deleted the prt file before sending it over again) and not utilizing any generic color names or special characters. I tried that and it didn't seem to help. Only unidirectional printing worked.

Anyone have any tips or info on what causes this? I'd like to have some more info or other solutions than unidirectional so figured I'd ask. If nothing else hope someone can utilize unidirectional print setting if this happens to them.

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Re: I-IMAGE halftones double imaging on 1 channel
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2021, 04:42:08 PM »
It can help if you post a picture of the (double image).  Often times, what one names or identify’s is actually the result of something else.

A double image, to me makes me think of a communication error/glitch.  That could be a cable getting moved/shifted around, and its now placed next to another cable that could cause a disruption in the signal. Really could be a lot of unique things.

Another option to try is to re-load the Color Print saved settings.

But it’s only this one color on this one file, so I dunno.  That would make you think it might be “file”related, but again. Had to say.  You have re-ripped it, so that’s good, but still same issue. Thats bad.

I’ll say, that I have come across some issues with a vector file coming from a PDF, then opened in Illustrator, and saved as eps....and have had some similar output issues. (Only stemming for files originating from a PDF).  My resolve for this, has been to re-separate that into a Photoshop sep file.
Photoshop (bitmap) seps seem to strip out any glitches I’ve ever encountered in vector. The files (rip more cleanly for the lack of a better word).  You won’t have to do this in every case, but (on the cases this might ever happen again, try re-separated using Photoshop. It’s a good backup plan.

To print seps to the RIP from Photoshop, you have to save the sep file in a different way than some other RIPS use.

Once you have it all separated in Photoshop, Then add in your reg marks if needed, add in color and print sequence info on the top of the file and then delete any and all other channels (except for the spot seps). Do not keep any RGB or CMYK channels in there.
Since we are not using the vector template with 2”space at the top, and EPS range 1 method for this, you may need to build in or add an extra 2” from the top of the art as empty space. It will center buy default, so no worries there. You can put the reg and info there, but no art.  This puts the art at the 6”mark from outer frame diameter onto the correct screen location (providing you do the standard 6”.  Some do 5.5 or 6.5 (personal preference) depending on your press and pallet location.

Then save as a copy (Sep file) and drop that into the rip folder of your choice.

The seps come over just fine.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline TheGhost

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Re: I-IMAGE halftones double imaging on 1 channel
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2021, 09:17:59 AM »
Thanks for the reply Dan! I actually learned from you that I could send PSD files over so that's what I have been doing.

Can't seem to get the pic to attach. It is so strange this happens and continues to happen when I change the file name and even when I tried sending it as just the one channel as an eps.

Even stranger it only does this to the halftone elements while the reg marks stay good. Must be a rip issue?