Author Topic: GREETINGS, HERE MY STORY  (Read 5805 times)

Offline dlac

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« on: April 24, 2020, 02:46:43 PM »
My name is David LaCrosse, I started screen printing career in mid 80's going to work for Mango Tree Screen Printing in Foart Pierce Florida.  Managed comapny, 2 manuals on older 6 color oval automatic powered by donkey that made it go around.. I flew to Walmart headquarters later that year and got vender number for florida..56 stores at the time.. Got bigger and better but was Miller Beer Distributer for the area..They decided to do more beer and less shirts.. I helped them sell their preprint art.. equipment and head printer and took off on my old with bad dryer and a biker chick that could really print and do a little drugs.. Hired a very talented lady and did over 100,000 in the next 12 months.. Started Resort line called Lake country graphic and another western line Cracker Creek.. got to 200000. Moved to North GA mountains, 2 year later bought sewing plant, got to 2 million, printing, drawing, garment dying and over extending, that is what I did best.. Hit just under 2 million, China, rep problems, my local bank got sold to national operation.. China destroyed appalacian sewing and selling.. KABOOM.. bank agreed to eat 250,000 and I had to sign no bankrupt claus and ate the other 250,000.. Kept 2 rodeo ponies, 2 cats, chocolate Lab and wife.. ended it the day of twin tower destruction.. Started LakeCountry Graphics, and have been doing freelance art and local transfer business eveer since.. Recently moved back to Southern Illinois and trying to get going again.. Talented screen print artist although somewhat basic.. LOOKING FOR WORK, ART JOB AND OR FREELANCE.. you will look back and say boy am I glad I hired  him.. see some of my art here in the  THINGS I HAVE DONE  section.. and then call me.. 618 513 2660 and tell me when to start..
David dlac
Rastor to Vector is my favorite.. disastor is my
specialty and Dots make me crazy...