General > General Discussion and ???
Bill at Garagewear
I talked to Bill this afternoon. He just got his cell service back. He's okay. The storm didn't hit him, but it got some of his neighbors. He said there are a couple of things they need there. One is blood and you can donate that locally. The other is blue plastic tarps for covering roofs. There is a shortage and it's raining. He said, he has UPS service and would make sure they got to the right place if we sent them to him. His address is; Garagewear, 211 Sherry Lynn Place, Harvest, AL 35749.
blue moon:
can we get somebody to volunteer and collect the money, buy them and ship them out? I am so out of time it is not funny. 'been working till 1am or later and driving with an expired drivers license 'cause I don't have time to go and get a new one.
I'll chip in $50 if somebody would do the leg work.
I'd suggest someone who can process credit cards to make it easier.
In the meantime, though not as efficient, I'm going to try to do a few on my own, and get to a place like Harbor Freight so that the money goes a little further.
I've got a place in town called
Bill's Wholesale that has great prices on traps. I buy most of my tape there to.
And you can use my paypal for the CC's.
Just let me know.
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