Author Topic: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)  (Read 2594 times)

Offline inkman996

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Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« on: December 23, 2020, 03:05:02 PM »
I have dealt with some of the worse people imaginable, but today WTF. We do a lot of work for Westchester country club, yea that place, been doing so for many years. The pros from the pro shop like to send us a lot of individual things like high end products for their clients and golf bags or golf bag panels. This week we get a small panel with a drawn out example of what he wanted printed on it. It was 3 letters with quotes on both sides, he drew it out exaclt like a graphic so as we always do we did exactly what was drawn out. The day started with nasty phone calls from the ass about where is his package, first we gave him the tracking number verbally and sure enough he could not write it down correctly so he had failed tracking. we tracked it our selves and it was on truck for delivery, that was not good enough he continued to berate and question why he did not get it back yesterday, after all it came to us on Monday. Finally the package arrives and he calls, our newest employee for handling the phone is a 19 year old college girl who is a person of color. Well she amswers and he unloads, she comes to me nearly in tears and explains the problem. We were not supposed to add the quotes, we are to stupid here at our company to understand anything with in quotes is all that is supposed to be, even tho we do crap all the time like that but I digress. I tell her to be calm with him, explain the way he drew it out it appeared the quotes were supposed to be included, offer him two options send back to us on our acct, or take a sharp blade and in two minutes he could make those quotes dissapear. I minute later I see our newest employee run screaming out the door in full blown tears. WTF! I chase after her and she is in her car bawling totally bawling, she finally tells me the pro belittled the crap out of her then called her a MONKEY then hung up.

Now I hope you all see where I was going with this crap. She is black and easy to tell that by her voice, he called her a freaking monkey then hung up.

His name is Brian Fallon one of the pros at Westchester CC in NY. I calmed my self down because first instinct was to call him and go to town, nope I called the COO of Westchester and had a long conversation with him. Where it is going I do not know yet, but if I did not mind driving an hour to get to the pro shop in Westchester he would have found out how I deal with a grown professional man making a 19 year old college student female also a minority feel so bad she wanted to quit her job.

Rant over
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Offline Dottonedan

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2020, 03:51:18 PM »
Wow.  Just wow.  >:(

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Offline mk162

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2020, 03:53:42 PM »
A-holes exist everywhere.  I will say again there is little in this world that feels as good as firing a customer.  There is such a liberating feeling that comes from knowing you won't have to work with them again.

Sorry, I hope she is doing better.  Nobody deserves that treatment.

Offline 3Deep

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2020, 04:11:53 PM »
Dude we can tell you so many stories it might blow your mind, being a black own screen shop very deep in red Alabama can be tough at times, but we count our blessing's on all the good customers we have and don't spend much time on A-holes.
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Offline Sbrem

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2020, 04:13:22 PM »
Getting him canned is a good idea, as well as perhaps a few well placed social posts. Truly an A-hole.

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2020, 04:16:04 PM »
Dude we can tell you so many stories it might blow your mind, being a black own screen shop very deep in red Alabama can be tough at times, but we count our blessing's on all the good customers we have and don't spend much time on A-holes.

I'll bet you've been asked if "the boss was around" more than once. I've had some pretty snooty people ask me who the owners were, as my partner and I are jeans and t-shirt types. "We are!" to their shock and dismay.

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Offline 3Deep

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2020, 04:45:03 PM »
@Steve yep LOL, my wife is from the mid-west and I have a background of Mass and Alabama mix, so I don't really have a strong southern accent, so when people call they just assume that we are white so we both have been told from our black customers and white customers until they meet us the very first time, so yeah I seen some shock on some faces when they ask to speak with the owners LOL
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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2020, 08:11:18 AM »
Back to the OP, I really something comes of this as far as the A-hole at least receiving some type of punishment for doing that to the poor girl. I hope she can put it behind her as just an experience with a jerk, albeit an extreme one, and move on and have a happy life.

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Offline rusty

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2020, 10:26:05 AM »
You handled much better than I might have.

And yes I also hope something comes from this as far as the customer getting exposed and the young employee being able to get over it and realize she has a good employer who has her back.

Offline mooseman

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2020, 10:55:19 AM »
Unfortunately that kind of attitude ( I think) comes with an elitist country club membership.
If the image from Caddy Shack below doesn't suggest the mentality as a real slice of life element then the Garcia and Zoeller real life comments about Woods should illustrate the attitude pretty well.

Offline inkman996

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2020, 10:58:30 AM »
As some here probably know the dynamic between the club house and the pro shop is tricky, especially when dealing with card carrying members of the PGA. We got a rather pitiful email of an apology from the person, yea an email not even a call. My suspicion is not much of anything could be done to the person by the Country Club itself with out stirring up a serious hornets nest. I guess we have to take it as it is. We were assured the Country Club itself is still going to give us business, as to dealing with any of the pros from the pro shop that is left to our judgement.

This neanderthal Brian Fallon is nothing more than a man that can swing a stick, I garauntee you our employee has 20 IQ points on him, she is studying to be an industrial design engineers and mathematics as well.

As much as I loathe living up here in liberal lunacy country I do enjoy that fact we are a very diverse well integrated society, out right racism is rare but alas it still exists.
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Offline kingscreen

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2020, 12:29:34 PM »
Out him. Tell the story publicly and be sure to tag all your favorite publications.

F racists. 
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 05:05:37 PM by kingscreen »
Scott Garnett
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Offline mk162

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2020, 01:54:11 PM »
Doesn't matter red or blue, both sides have racists.  It isn't an ideology that follows politics.  Everyone likes to treat things like they are binary.

Life is a lot more complicated that, your girl just found that out.

It's been a few days, has she processed it pretty well?

Offline inkman996

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2020, 08:02:22 AM »
Here is his follow up apology.

> Mike
> I am sorry that my phone call escalated in the way I did.  I was completed out of line and was speaking with emotion and not directly to Sophia. I have no excuses from my actions and words and I hope you accept my apology.   I have written a apology letter directly to Sophia below if you could please pass this along to her I would be grateful.  Once again please accept my apology and I hope you and your family have a happy holiday season. 
> Dear Sophia
> I want to apologize for my actions on the phone with you yesterday.   I was completely out of line to speak to you like I did.  I was feeling the pressure from my member who had been looking for the bag panel for a Christmas gift and when it came it incorrectly I reacted to the disappointment my member had and I took my frustrations out on you.  I am very sorry for how I spoke to you. We have done business with Tee it Up for many years and have never had an issue and I appreciate our relationship and would not want my actions to jeopardize that.  Once again I apologize for my actions on the phone yesterday and I should have taken a deep breath and calmed down before I made that call.  I hope you and your family have a nice holiday season and look forward to our continued business together. 
> Thank You,
> Brian Fallon, PGA
> Head Golf Professional
> Westchester Country Club
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Offline bimmridder

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Re: Nearly lost it today (Warning Super Rant)
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2020, 08:37:52 AM »
Barth Gimble

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