screen printing > Separations

How many reg marks are really needed?

(1/4) > >>

How many reg marks do you use in your shop?

What are your reasons for your choice?

Please also post up images of your preferred reg or custom mark and explain the reason.

We haven't used reg marks for nearly a decade.

One half inch square, with .5 point outline in each corner. Why, because it's easy to make.

T Shirt Farmer:

--- Quote from: GraphicDisorder on December 15, 2020, 12:36:30 PM ---We haven't used reg marks for nearly a decade.

--- End quote ---

This and have been tapeless for 5+ years

What's wrong with my standard of 2 at the bottom and one on top?
I have always found a triangle a very rigid shape, in engineering (like bike frames) as well.


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