Author Topic: For Sale Hotronix auto open clam press  (Read 2003 times)

Offline inkman996

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For Sale Hotronix auto open clam press
« on: October 30, 2020, 10:15:35 AM »
I am selling this work horse of a press, we upgraded to 3 new air units. Unfortunately this unit will  never be touched again so why keep it. Works perfectly except currently the gas cylinders no longer can hold the top half up. Those are easily replaced. It is also wired for 220V but I think changing the plug to 120 is all thats needed. Also I have a DIY sleeve pallette I made for it from an old heat press platen. There is no quick change so it just takes two bolts to swap.

16 x 20" Auto open

Just looking for an offer or maybe something for trade if you have something interesting I might like???

Will ship but will cost a few bucks, if localish it would be worth the drive to save $$$

"No man is an island"