Computers and Software > Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them.
Photoshop Seps - Channels or Layers?
I send out the complicated sim process stuff, but thats once maybe twice per year. Mostly everything I do is 4 colors or less spot colors for the most part. Doing seps in layers and outputting the film through PS has never been an issue for me for the most part but I was just curious about the topic since most people I know use channels and tend to output films in AI.
The reason I use Channels and import them into Illustrator comes from the earlier days, when computers were slower, so we'd bring the Channels into Illustrator and create our text there, and since the channels brought in the colors to the Illustrator Color Pallet, those are the colors that would be used for the text so it would output correctly. Now days, that's really not so necessary.
I use channels (along with Color Range) simply because that's how I learned to it back with Photoshop 5.
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