Author Topic: Newman M3 frames with MHM pins  (Read 1867 times)

Offline BRGtshirts

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Newman M3 frames with MHM pins
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:51:57 PM »
Been running three types of frames for a long time Shurlocs, Newmans, and static GSF's with the welded nubs. It's high time to standardize across the board, so due to quantities of frames on hand plus other factors it's time to sell. Frames setup for MHM presses

23x31 Newman M3 UL with black bolts
All have Newman's MHM pins installed

1) 45 frames with good mesh in production
All mesh is Shurloc thin thread panels (except 305's those are standard t-thread)

2)  25 frames without mesh

Pricing these to move:
Frames with good mesh: $20 apiece
Frames with no mesh: $15 apiece
Also have additional MHM pins: $10 set of 4