Author Topic: GSF frames with welded MHM nubs and good mesh  (Read 1782 times)

Offline BRGtshirts

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GSF frames with welded MHM nubs and good mesh
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:42:32 PM »
Been running three types of frames for a long time Shurlocs, Newmans, and static GSF's with the welded nubs. It's high time to standardize across the board. We really like these as they're super lightweight and hold their tension, but due to quantities of frames on hand per type plus other factors it's time to sell.  Frames setup for MHM presses (we run S-type extremes)

23x31 GSF static frames with welded nubs

1) 100 frames with good mesh in production
~95% have GSF's permanent blockout and sealant on edges
All have thin thread mesh (Saati Hi-Dro and Dynamesh thin thread for the 230's)

2) 35 frames without mesh

Pricing these to move:
Frames with good mesh: $20 apiece
Frames with no mesh: $15 apiece