Author Topic: InkSoft’s New ‘Store Preview Image’ Gives You More Control Over Branding  (Read 975 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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In a competitive online environment, how well you brand your online store can make all the difference. You need a way to communicate almost instantly what your business offers and if it has what customers are looking for.

Recently, InkSoft added a new tool to help you do an even better job and make sure your site stands out. You will be able to improve your marketing, generate more interest and increase traffic.

Up until now, when you included a link to your webstore on social media, you had no control over what graphic popped up with your link. With new Store Preview Image, you can chose which photo you want to show on three social media platforms. If you have multiple stores, you can use this feature to create preview design templates for spiritwear, teams, corporate identity, apparel or whatever niche you are in to save time and ensure consistency.