Author Topic: New InkSoft Blog Offers Ideas For Gearing Up For The Back-To-School Market  (Read 977 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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While we don’t know in what form school will take place in August, or even July for some year-round charter schools, we do know it is not cancelled; therefore, you should be targeting this lucrative market. InkSoft has put together a collection of thoughts and ideas to help you get started in its recent blog “Back To School Might Be Different, But You’re Needed More Than Ever.”

Suggestions include how to use ecommerce, increase your networking efforts, integrate safety products and offer fund-raising services to name a few. Use this guide to start drawing up plans of action, get your team on the same page, strategize, and create pitches to get the ball rolling.

To read more, go to

InkSoft is a software company focusing on the next generation of sales and production software for decorators. It brings together sales, marketing, ordering and production management into one platform. For more information, contact InkSoft at (800) 410-3048; email: or visit the website at