Author Topic: InkSoft Offers New Blog On Seven Reasons Why You Need An Online Store  (Read 816 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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During this time of social distancing, having an ecommerce solution is more crucial than ever before. Businesses with webstores have a viable way to continue to offer products and services, while those who rely solely on brick and mortar are having a much harder time.

Jeremy Pickins, creative director/CEO of Colorado-based apparel design firm AMB3R Creative and InkSoft’s newest blogger, has put together an informative, insightful new piece on “Seven Reasons Why You Need Online Stores Now.” If you previously thought that ecommerce was just a niche sales tool or a passing fad, Pickins explains why online stores are the real deal.

He says, “If you’re not offering wares in a way that’s accessible to consumers, your competition probably is. At a time when a buying journey is largely remote, and consumers are prioritizing convenience; online stores make your business offerings not just possible, but attractive.”

To read, go to

As a verified InkSoft author, Pickins will be offering tips and tricks each month, so stayed tuned for more valuable content that will help grow your business.

InkSoft is a software company focusing on the next generation of sales and production software for decorators. It brings together sales, marketing, ordering and production management into one platform. For more information, contact InkSoft at (800) 410-3048; email: or visit the website at