Author Topic: Separation discounts!  (Read 709 times)

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Separation discounts!
« on: March 19, 2020, 09:18:38 PM »
So, I know that you all (my customers and friends), are experiencing financial hardships. I know, because I read all of your updates. I know, because I work in a shop in the day. For how long, I’m not sure. With all of this, I know we all need to help each other (where we can).  Some of you have needed to take action and have a few less people on staff for a while. Others who are a one person or small family shop, can use some understanding as well to help keep them afloat. With that, I offer the below.

I offer discounted separations at the same high end quality.

I offer to work with you, if you will work with me. I work in the day, and can only assist you in the evenings and weekends. If that works, we can scratch each other’s back.

I’m not sure when this offer will end, but will last for as long as the economy is being hit due to this Corona Virus. More likely, you will see the times getting better and is when my offer will return back to my normal price. I’m referring to a substantial savings on color separations. This is intended to help keep my work flowing, and at the same time, aid in some financial relief for others in a small way.

Contact me directly when you need something done to find out just how much of a savings.

Thank you all for your trust in Dot-Tone Designs over the years.  We will see this through.

 Dot-Tone Dan Campbell
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail