General > Industry shows

Atlantic City and Corona?

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--- Quote from: GraphicDisorder on March 11, 2020, 11:13:09 AM ---Id say still good odds it will be canceled. They are canceling events that are much more important than a screen print trade show.

--- End quote ---

I agree. And they should cancel it sooner than later to not leave traveling people in a bind.

I am in new york city and I am expecting a shut down down of most things including public transportation to a certain degree. I think the sooner the better.

We were planning to go Friday and Saturday, but now are reconsidering. We're going to make a final decision early next week.
Ryonte has cancelled going. (and also to Orlando) I'll bet other Vendors are also going to keep dropping out...

I feel like they are going to cancel the whole show, but I still keep getting emails each day about the show being on, so who knows

I heard m&r is pulling out/pulled out and the show is going to be rescheduled to a later date this year. I was planning to go but it looks like that probably won't happen. The media has really got this deal blazing which is no bueno.....

With so much uncertainty I can't blame companies from cancelling.  I'd rather lose money than put my employees in danger.

My daughter has a play coming up and my in-laws are cancelling their plane trip here.  It's a safe move.

I agree with the others pierre, I'd cancel the trip, even if I was speaking.  If M&R pulls out it's done anyway.

I am a scheduled exhibitor for the show. I talked to ISS this morning and this was my response.

As of this minute, we are still moving forward with the event; however, monitoring the situation very closely as things are changing daily. Certainly nothing is out of the question at this point, and Senior Management is currently discussing all options. As I hear more information, or should things change, I will be in touch right away!

I am guessing if it is still going to happen attendance will be down about 40%


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