Computers and Software > Raster and Vector Manipulation Programs, and How to Do Stuff in Them.

CorelDRAW Outline issue


I know, all the cool kids eschew outlines in favor of contours, but what do I have to do in the Outline Pen dialogue box to fix the gap I get here?
It doesn't happen on all letters.

Unfortunately, I’m not a Corel guy er I’d help ya out.

use contours  ;D ...seriously though, outline in corel S.U.C.K.

First make sure the nodes on the top of that ‘B’ aren’t wonky.
If they’re okay, go into outline properties and putz around with the outline settings.
Could be a few things but try the Line Caps setting first. Change it to round cap default it’s set to square cap and can cause a bunch of issues.

I shoulda' knowed!  :)


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