screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

Same seps on light and dark?

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A question for the pros in regards to simulated process... do you use the same separaton for both white and black shirts and just drop the base screen on the white?

I always seem to struggle to make it worth for both and was curious if i'm doing something wrong.

Same seps for all. Run everything exactly the same. Don't turn off the underbase.

Doug B:
  Have to agree with that. White shirts without the base WILL look different.

Ditto; there are slight differences from shirt color to shirt color, but it's pretty consistent that way...


Ok good to know thanks. What's the best way to set these up when separating in photoshop so they work on all colour garments?

If i take an existing separation that was set up for dark shirts and change the background tshirt color in the channels from black to white it always make the seps look wrong, and like there's not enough black information. I guess the separation is relying on the base colour of shirt being black/dark.

Any tips for avoiding this? I'm guessing i just need more colors in the seapration?


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