screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

4 CP angles?

<< < (2/2)

Xlnt info in those threads


--- Quote from: Dottonedan on December 31, 2011, 01:13:34 PM ---Here are some good conversations that went on at this forum. A few of the same guru's chimed in on that one as well.

really good stuff here.  It's worth a BOOKMARK.

--- End quote ---

Bookmarks still do not work for the general membership, but are close to the top of the list of New Year improvements.


--- Quote from: Dottonedan on December 31, 2011, 01:13:34 PM ---

really good stuff here.  It's worth a BOOKMARK.

--- End quote ---

Thank you Sir. Absolutely. Happy New Years!


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