screen printing > Separations
Butt-cheek Separations
Hi people,
Im having some difficulty with transparency opagity. Im using UltraSEps, and when I send the seps to the Epson1430, most often the subtlety of one of the colors is so faint on the film it doesnt rea,ly burn all that well. Im using a home made uv led strip exposure unit. I dont have any problems i cant comprehend with it expcept this one? I was hoping maybe someone had some Christmas insight on this they could pass along. Thanks for reading everyone!
Picture of the problem might be worth a thousand words.
My first thought is that one of the colors may indeed be so "subtle' that the poster does not have the ability to hold it in the burn. Clod, in your tests, how small of a percentage dot can you hold?
What I'm wondering if it is indeed a halftoned color, or something more sinister like clogged nozzles or a rip issue.
Adding the homemade LED strips is only going to complicate the issue, so I strongly encourage establishing a baseline
with solid block art and moving on from there.
There are many people that use the Epson 1430 but they print films in many different ways it seems. Some print straight to that using AccuRip, and are aware of all of the (two areas) to control dot gain and ink lay down. Others use and rely more on the separation software to dictate film output control. For those, I don't know how it works exactly. Some require RGB layers to be intact, while other methods don't and you must remove the RGB or CMYK channels (if printing from Photoshop). I don't know how those handle vector files.
With some printing solid, and some not, I might be more inclined to think that the issue you are having is based on the art file and color makeup. When it happens, go back into the art file and check that offending color (makeup). How is it built? is the color a CMYK color or is it a Pantone (PMS) or custom color. The best results come from SPOT color modes.
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