Author Topic: Improvement Videos  (Read 9108 times)

Offline Doug S

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2019, 08:08:49 AM »
You definitely have me rethinking some of the moves I make each day.  Thanks for posting that.
It's not a job if you love doing it.

Offline easyrider1340

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2019, 10:14:05 AM »
Terry, I’m sure I speak for the other two. The more education we can share that applies to efficient production the better.  Book suggestions, theories, policy, procedures, and good habits, all encouraged.

I sometimes feel like we are still a bit ‘slow’ because of it. We don’t put up huge numbers on our single auto. But it feels like it’s getting close to where all the systems are really working together. Flow is coming!!!

Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up.  :-) speed the issue you are struggling with or First Run Rate and achieving productivity expectations?  Anybody can achieve the number, but hitting that number within the allocated shift hours is where I see manufacturers (in my day job world) struggle.  Reworking product is waste and we should always strive to eliminate the waste.   If you’ve got time to “redo” it, why didn’t you have time to do it right?  Quality activities should be incorporated at each stage of the process - do not pass on defects.  Stop the process, fix the defect, and restart the process.  Then measure your downtime (line stoppage) and use as a kpi for your organization. Secs, minutes, etc - whatever is relevant to your cycle time. 

Some of this is easier said than done, but downtime and defect repair costs are significant - and sometimes hidden/invisible if not tracked.  You just wonder “why didn’t we ship that job on time/earlier?”

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Offline CBCB

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2019, 06:41:13 PM »
I started listening on YouTube to 2 second Lean, really interesting.    Thanks for posting.

Literally changed my life!!

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2019, 06:42:12 PM »
You definitely have me rethinking some of the moves I make each day.  Thanks for posting that.

You should rethink every move you make every day!! You’ll continue to find waste. Or you can ‘settle’ for less! That’s how I see it now. Either we work to improve, or we don’t improve.

Offline Maxie

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2019, 04:24:26 AM »
CBCB when I saw your first video I thought that this guy has lost it.     Is bored and has no work.    Since then I’ve listened to 2 second Lean, watched lots of videos and am now listening to the the Toyota story and see that your a smart guy.
Thanks for introducing me to Lean, I’d never heard of it before.
Maxie Garb.
T Max Designs.
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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2019, 10:04:59 AM »
CBCB when I saw your first video I thought that this guy has lost it.     Is bored and has no work.    Since then I’ve listened to 2 second Lean, watched lots of videos and am now listening to the the Toyota story and see that your a smart guy.
Thanks for introducing me to Lean, I’d never heard of it before.

Thanks Maxie. Sometimes I think I’ve lost it too haha. It’s a balance, Lean isn’t the perfect system but I think it’s based on a lot of fundamentals that are perfect for our industry.
Like reducing waste, simple inventory for materials like ink, daily meetings to train and improve etc.

I tell my guys all the time that dirty shops make money. When we look at crazy shops I stress that those guys are making good money. But that it’s not easy.

My biggest fear starting this business was being too busy. I never wanted my biggest problem to be handling the volume. I worked in a shop where the main stress was getting crap done, like where the the car is moving too fast to fix it. Sometimes you gotta slow down to go fast...

I don’t know much but I know that I’m getting better at teaching my team to understand waste.

At the end of the day we spend a maximum of 20% of our time on improving the process. Seems like a lot but it’s just a chunk of each day.

I have considered switching it up a bit though. The guys have suggest a four day work week, of 10hr shifts. With our morning 3S and meeting that’d compress their improvements into like 15% of payroll time. Just a thought.

Anyway thanks again. I really appreciate it and i love seeing other shops learn about respect for people and resources!
I have another one of these videos ready to go. Perhaps I’ll just update this thread with it instead of making a new one.

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2020, 09:21:47 PM »
Hey yall! Back with montage #2. I’ve got another video here with a bunch of improvements from around the shop. Lots of simple stuff so lemme know what you think and if you have any suggestions or questions!

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Offline 1964GN

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2020, 06:07:21 AM »
1:24.... You may want to rethink that. Breaker panels must be easily accessible. No furniture or other obstructions should be placed in the working space, making it easy to approach the front of the panel.

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2020, 07:30:53 AM »
1:24.... You may want to rethink that. Breaker panels must be easily accessible. No furniture or other obstructions should be placed in the working space, making it easy to approach the front of the panel.

Thank you! Yeah that’s kind of an odd one for us because whenever an inspector mentions it they never follow up to clarify what the parameters are for clearance. A lot of that stuff doesn’t protrude further than the box itself! We have a similar issue with the darkroom ceiling and the sprinklers. Apparently it’s an issue but not big enough that they can make what the issue actually is haha.

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Offline Zelko-4-EVA

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2020, 08:53:41 AM »
1:24.... You may want to rethink that. Breaker panels must be easily accessible. No furniture or other obstructions should be placed in the working space, making it easy to approach the front of the panel.

Thank you! Yeah that’s kind of an odd one for us because whenever an inspector mentions it they never follow up to clarify what the parameters are for clearance. A lot of that stuff doesn’t protrude further than the box itself! We have a similar issue with the darkroom ceiling and the sprinklers. Apparently it’s an issue but not big enough that they can make what the issue actually is haha.

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36" clearance in front of circuit panels and switchgear

sprinklers - i dont know if its specific to the type we have in our building, but we were told 18" clearance below the sprinkler head.

Offline easyrider1340

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2020, 10:13:12 AM »
I like what you’re doing!  Eliminate the waste is the most important aspect of the Toyota Production System.  ...and it’s a BROAD aspect when you think about it and define waste.   ...garbage, time, resources, money, garments, etc, etc.

As an example, are you tracking your scrap and reflecting on some frequency?   Is it visual (on the wall) for your team to review with you?  PDCA. :-) I mentioned before, you are on the right track.   Your team members have all the answers.  Your job (as a leader) is to draw it out and ensure the improvements are sustainable. 

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Offline CBCB

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2020, 06:15:27 PM »
Thank you so much! Yes I am starting to get a clearer picture of where I’m at on the lean journey now. I feel like we have a good handle on 3s, daily meetings, and now filming the improvements and working on explaining the concepts. And getting a pull kanban inventory system going i think we have 90% of items carded now. The team is learning for sure like the engagement feels strong.

Lately I have been stressing that factories for Toyota and Honda go years without sending a defect to a customer. We made a list of reasons why defects make it to customers whether it be shortages or misprints or garment defects. But the list was pretty short.

Our first sign for scrap is ‘days without pinholes’ hahah. I feel like that’s our biggest reason for press stoppage right now so we’ve been dialling in the darkroom, that’s our ‘rock’ for the next 90 days. Which includes the pre-reg in the darkroom.

It all works well here and the concepts seem to build on each other well too. So I’m pumped to keep going but not sure what’s next yet! Haha

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Offline Maxie

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2020, 01:37:07 PM »
Are there any book you would recommend.
Looking for the practical side of Lean
Maxie Garb.
T Max Designs.
Silk Screen Printers

Offline CBCB

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Re: Improvement Videos
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2020, 07:17:33 PM »
Are there any book you would recommend.
Looking for the practical side of Lean

I would have to say Two Second Lean by Paul A. Akers. Super easy and kinda just focusses on the starter concepts. Keep it simple and fun.
The book rules and you can see him read it or at least narrate it in different talks that are on YouTube. Plus all the tours of his business that he shows different improvements and the general workplace cultured, that’s kind of what got me hooked! Enjoy and holler if you have any other questions.

I just finished reading the Toyota Way and am reading Traction now. Both seem to be good companies to lean thinking.

I also liked and implemented Profit First. Or most of it. It feels like a ‘Lean’ way to see cashflow without reports, just scheduled transactions. Forces you to adjust to problems right away, not when the bookkeeper chimes in.

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Offline easyrider1340

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Improvement Videos
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2020, 10:13:03 AM »
This is all good stuff!  I applaud you for taking these steps!  Again, TM engagement is key.  You want their mind in YOUR game for the shift.  Involving them, expecting them, and praising them for their process improvements is a good start to keep them engaged. 

What did your team say when you asked them ‘what’s next’?

Some questions I ask...
- what frustrates you most about your process?
- I’ve been thinking about xxxx(insert YOUR top concern here), what do you think we can do to make it better?
-  we missed xxx (target) yesterday, last month or whenever - what ideas do you have to help us achieve the goal?

At some point, you may be overwhelmed by the elephant that could be the focus.  I’ll share later the Toyota approach to problem solving - TBP (Toyota Business Practice), which helps to tackle the elephant. 


So I’m pumped to keep going but not sure what’s next yet! Haha

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