Author Topic: What we are getting for Christmas  (Read 15424 times)

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #105 on: February 04, 2020, 02:25:39 PM »
New Challenge, Danny buys Brown Press does award winning prints on it and sets up as fast as other presses.

Can't fuxin' wait.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #106 on: February 04, 2020, 02:29:48 PM »
New Challenge, Danny buys Brown Press does award winning prints on it and sets up as fast as other presses.

Can't fuxin' wait.

Dude, I'll pitch in some cash for the press to make this happen!

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #107 on: February 04, 2020, 02:33:06 PM »
At no point in my previous post did I state that I made the thread?

My post stated 'As you stated previously your little dispute started when you were extremely rude to me regarding a simple pair of squeegee cutters. As you stated in a previous post above, I posted a picture of these cutters and asked folks to message me if interested. You then posted a DEMAND that I just immediately tell the three people who replied where to buy them from rather than them message me.'

You're right I misunderstood. See how easy that is though? To admit when something is wrong? The way you didn't quote me threw me off, so when you said "I" I didn't realize you were quoting me. Always an opportunity for improvement.

But to my point, I asked how people cut squeegees on a forum and you reply for everyone to DM you where to buy them. My point was that it's not a contribution to the thread, and if you're selling something then it'd be easier for you to just post the link rather than make several people email you directly for it. It would have been more efficient for you than even leaving your comment and then answering the email later. Later someone posted that I could get a 'mitre shear' for $20 at a store local to me. So that's the solution I went with. I have NEVER claimed to be an expert at efficiency. I only share what is working. But holy crap did you ever miss my point. For the industry as a whole it's way better for you to post the link and for me to go the hardware store as another person suggested.

My post of the pic of squeegee cutters was a reply on your thread A YEAR AGO, it did not state otherwise. You clearly aren't reading/understanding things correctly. Who cares anyway? I would've sent you these for free just to help you if you hadn't been so rude.

This is the pompous 'high road' attitude and the reason I brought you up in this thread. How does it make sense or benefit our industry as a whole for you to send me a free pair of cutters? It would probably cost you more than $20 in shipping. I just went to the store and got them, saving you the time. I said I appreciate it, but it's less efficient for all of us as a whole for you to send a free pair. I didn't ask for that. I asked for information on cut squeegees because I did not understand it.

Again once you are prepared to discuss matters in an adult and business-like fashion then please feel free to contact me directly. Until that point you need to be cautious in respect of what you write publicly regarding people you've never met or actually spoken to.

We were in discussion about why I thought it would be more efficient for you to just post the link but you wouldn't hear it. And you are still deaf to it. It is more efficient for you to NOT send me cutters that I didn't ask for and for me to go to the store. Even going to store was more efficient than speculatively emailing you for a link to a product probably more expensive to do the same job as the $20 cutter I got locally.

I feel everyone on here has already seen through this episode and are probably bored of it so maybe its time you gave up before embarrassing yourself any further. I blocked you on various forums so I didn't have to read or reply to such petty bullshit, its laughable. I'm not the one who's constantly posting, I've simply replied twice to your posts today, I blocked you many months ago as it was too ridiculous to waste any further time on. Surely your love of 'efficiency' might've led you to do the same?

I don't think it's laughable. I think that suggesting a Canadian fly to England to see something that can be shown in a quick video. THAT is laughable from an efficient standpoint.

I am trying to be respectful here, but its not me who's making online videos of how to educate printers in terms of efficiency but then making a post on the Facebook group 'SCREEN PRINT PROS' asking 'How do you cut squeegees - without it looking like a hack job'.

I don't feel I need to say anything further.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. And something I think you need to clearly understand.

I post on Youtube the things that work for us. I am open to feedback and that's been the point of me sharing what works for us.

I do not make tutorials. I do not act like we have the right away, or the best way. I simply show our way, and accept feedback from others on how we can make it safer, better quality, simpler, or faster. In that order, no compromises.

Another shot at how much knowledge I have. I am new to the industry compared to many on this forum. I've never claimed to know more.

I think it's important to point out that I make videos about what works for us, and I ask questions about what is not working. Notice I did not make a video tutorial of how we were cutting squeegees before.

I agree I'm embarrassed now but not for the reasons you think.

Just today I have got SEVERAL private messages agreeing with my stance, but people don't want to get brigading by the 'vets' like I am here.

Again the biggest question of all that is still outstanding. Notice Jon has avoided this so far:

Danny put up $10k in a public forum and Jon said he should keep it and donate to charity. How thoughtful!

But why don't you just take 10 minutes in one of these shops, win the bet, prove your point without making it personally about me, and then donate the $10k to charity as you suggested?

Seriously, why not?

It would have taken way less time than you've spent here discrediting me because I didn't know how to do something and asked a question. Big time F you for that, on behalf of whatever your favourite charity is.

Agree 100% with Danny. It'll only push the industry forward whereas this thread pushes us backwards.

Over and out!

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #108 on: February 04, 2020, 02:35:02 PM »
New Challenge, Danny buys Brown Press does award winning prints on it and sets up as fast as other presses.

Can't fuxin' wait.

Dude, I'll pitch in some cash for the press to make this happen!

Same 100%, if this was a GoFundMe I would contribute. Because I know Danny wouldn't just expect us to trust him blindly. He'd just take few minutes to show a video and share knowledge like he has in the past. Great model for our industry. IF you're gunna paint me green just make sure it's DPH green because that's someone who pushes the industry FORWARD.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #109 on: February 04, 2020, 03:00:20 PM »
Oh boy....

I went back to read all of the posts and no where did I see a press war. What I saw was one guy who got his ass hurt a couple of years ago and turned this thread into the quagmire that it is now.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #110 on: February 04, 2020, 03:03:55 PM »
Can we have a time out?
Maxie Garb.
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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #111 on: February 04, 2020, 03:12:14 PM »
Can we have a time out?

Can we talk about how smooth Biversons hands look? Are you using some special hand cream? All the girls wanna know!

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #112 on: February 04, 2020, 03:15:05 PM »
Can we have a time out?

Can we talk about how smooth Biversons hands look? Are you using some special hand cream? All the girls wanna know!

And some of the guys (posting for a friend ;) )

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #113 on: February 04, 2020, 03:16:23 PM »
Can we have a time out?

Can we talk about how smooth Biversons hands look? Are you using some special hand cream? All the girls wanna know!

Dude...Thank you!!!!! LOL. I legitimately got a new hand cream a month ago because these dry-a$$ Wisconsin winters kill my hands. To the point where my thumbs start splitting open. Eucerin Original Healing Cream is where it's at! Haha, now if they only made "Forum Healing Cream" we could spread it all over these posts!
Brett - Pioneer Print Co.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #114 on: February 04, 2020, 03:17:50 PM »
CBCB you might want to get some CBD and relax a bit... just sayin
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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #115 on: February 04, 2020, 03:26:56 PM »
CBCB you might want to get some CBD and relax a bit... just sayin

Perfect! How about we all chip in and get Danny a Brown - I think we can muster up the $100 needed to by a used one ;) . Fly out to his place. Watch him work his magic. Then we all enjoy some blunts, beers, and whiskey while we chill out. It is Colorado you know?!
Brett - Pioneer Print Co.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #116 on: February 04, 2020, 04:00:59 PM »
I'd put money towards the Brown challenge!

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What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #117 on: February 04, 2020, 04:04:34 PM »
Thanks for chiming in Danny. The press wars will continue as long as there are attention seekers. All of these presses can print money if you spend the time to dial in your processes. Most don't though.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 04:06:58 PM by CBCB »

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #118 on: February 04, 2020, 04:05:42 PM »
I have changed my mind. I'll chip in some cash but only if it gets painted green with blue MHM and M&R stickers on it.

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Re: What we are getting for Christmas
« Reply #119 on: February 04, 2020, 04:06:36 PM »
Oh boy....

I went back to read all of the posts and no where did I see a press war. What I saw was one guy who got his ass hurt a couple of years ago and turned this thread into the quagmire that it is now.

Yeah Jon was pretty pissed eh. So pissed that he blocked me!