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Shop in the same town as Disney gets sued by Disney.
This is really difficult to imagine. Place has been in business for 5 years, and (1) thought they’d get away with it or (2) didn’t realize this was an issue??
And it’s located basically down the street from Disney?? Wow!
--- Quote from: BP on December 11, 2019, 02:46:43 PM ---hope he burns in Hell. I used to print for Disney and I hated see stuff out there. And guys like that give us all a bad name!
--- End quote ---
But how else can these soccer moms get use out of their Cricuts they got for Mother's day? They can start a business making those stupid family decals and Calvins pissing on things... Between Etsy, Ebay and facebook marketplace, there are SO many of these assclowns out there it's unbelievable.
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