Author Topic: Legacy Merch Shop Tour | 10 Years of Screen Print Shop Growth  (Read 1285 times)

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Legacy Merch Shop Tour | 10 Years of Screen Print Shop Growth
« on: November 02, 2019, 03:28:42 AM »
Motorcycles. Beer. Screen prints. Skateboards. Tattoos. Texas. Sounds great, right?

Legacy Merch in Ft. Worth, TX has spent more than a decade developing a tightly-knit team. Most of the staff has spent more than a year in the shop. As Legacy Merch enters its next phase of growth and development, they’re approaching growth with an eye toward sustainability. They're primed to make a decisive shift away from high-volume contract printing toward more lucrative retail printing.

“We’re taking less contract work now. [...] When you build a machine to do that much work, you can’t just turn it off without getting rid of your staff. We don’t want to do that.” Contract printing taught them to be fast, effective, and lean – a great way to learn the business, develop processes, and stack experience.

But contract printing simply isn’t the most profitable (or sustainable) type of printing for their team and their business.

Keeping employees in a print shop for years is tough. The work is hard! Yet Legacy Merch seems to have found a formula that works: support your employees, pay them well, and keep the workload sane.

When they’re not taking lunch breaks at the local skatepark, the Legacy Merch team is cranking out beautiful prints and super sharp merchandise for high-profile clients. And they're taking it a step further by telling their clients' stories.

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