screen printing > Newbie

glossy tonal

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 Dark gray shirt, with a black tonal ink (custom made). At this point the general opinion is that the customer is being a pain. The press op and I have basically wasted our day screwing around with this. (grumble) We are waiting for word back from them on our latest offering. Fingers crossed.

Thanks everyone for your input. I'll let you know what we finally do.   

blue moon:
could you do foil?


We could have done foil, but due to the size of the order, it was just not realistic. In the end, due to a shot in the dark, the customer decided that they wanted more sparkle than gloss. We ran it with a Warm Gray tonal, flash, OneStroke Pearlescent cut with Primer Clear Coat, Flash, Teflon Heat-stamp. It looked... interesting, but the customer loved it, and signed off on the approval (finally).

Thanks again for everyone's input. Much appreciated. 


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