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Photoshop question

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I figured it out; once converted to grayscale, it need's to be ever so slightly blurred, or there are no grays to adjust, that fixed it.


I'm hoping I understand you thinking that you are not understanding that the bitmap (SOILID HALFTONE) cannot be adjusted"to be lightened....unless you were to make it a greyscale and blur the image.  I don't think you want it blurred, but you cannot reverse engineer a pre-halftoned image with good results.  I mean you can, but but the results would not be as controlled as you might like. My guess is that other parts would be too far blurred.

ya beat me to it.

Rather than blurring, I just decrease the size of the image, and then re-enlarge it which probably has a similar effect to blurring and then you can adjust the levels and re-bitmap the image.  You will lose some details but I've had good results doing this if the art is sent already bitmapped.

I have one to do today where there is a color rosette halftone that I need to have grayscale to make a 1 color bitmap that I'll use this method on.

It's an auto body Frame straightener, printed as a left front, and I'm taking that left front and reducing it further to fit in a space with a lot of other sponsors. Pretty much why I wanted to adjust it. It was 300 ppi to start, so as I said, back to grayscale, .6 Gaussian Blur, just enough to allow me to make it lighter; I lost some image, but since it's for what it's for, it's OK. Thanks all.



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