screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing

How can I do better?

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Which program would help me do a better job of sepping?
I always sep my full color prints in the printer itself. Meaning I just send it to the printer and print out CMYK films and just adjust the angle and size in the printer settings. I've always had "luck" with this as I've never had a print rejected. But I know I could be doing a better job. Most prints mix the CMY and come out with a weak Black, so I can almost get away without printing black...almost. So I would imagine if I could sep these correctly the CMY screens would have none of the Black? I use Corel for everything. Thoughts? Thank you :-)

Not a bad looking job really, but if your looking for more pop in the colors yes you need to take the black info out of the color seps, and with that said Ultra seps would be a great program for you.  You might can ask the pros here how to do it manually with out a sep program, of pulling the black info from the the other color seps.

Ultraseps would be a great program for him, but it's a plugin for Photoshop. 

For Corel users, I don't know the best one for Corel, but I think there are a couple.

Not sure how good it is, but SimpleSeps by AdvancedTshirts works with CorelDraw.

Thanks.  I could not remember the name  :)

Do a Google Search with "SimpleSeps" and watch any of the YouTube videos that Advanced Artist has on the internet to check it out.   

I tell ya what, I found it currently on sale for only $149.99 ( and for that price it would certainly be worth a try, imo.


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