screen printing > Separations
AccuRip customer service report
I wanted to make mention of my recent experience. I just got set up on a Mac and had to transfer the AccurRip activation onto the Mac. Always seems like a daunting process when you have to get into this sort of thing. There were some stumbling blocks as The Co I currently work for, had purchased several other companies and the software was registered in another user name that no longer works here and was registered under one of the other Co names. I had to prove I worked for the Co and am the new user and that we observed said Co who first purchased AccuRIP. Add to that, nobody here at my Co, had the log in information or account info from the previous Co. All no fault of Freehand Graphics or their people.
Outside of that, the process was flawless on their end. I worked Daryl Grimes (very patient guy) who helped me out with excellence.
I'll second that. We have been working with Charlie and the gang for 20+ years and they have always been very well put together.
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