screen printing > Separations
Who sells Film positives at a good price.
While we are eventually getting an I-Image, I am still using films positives at the moment. I have to order more film, and I'm checking to see who the leaders are in clear film, with good prices that are waterproof. I've ordered from Ryonet in the past, but had found an inexpensive yet good film for one of the shops I had been at..but don't remember there name/info.
We use the sheets and AccuRip with the Epson 1430. Not that I love that. Ha!
Yep, Fixxons seem to have outlasted their two other rivals, InkjetFilmDirect, and Good pricing, free shipping, just not the clear non-waterproof lower D-Min that many used to use.
Spot color supply has been pretty good film for us, @Dan, Screen Process is right in your wheel house mine to also good film but the price is a little higher than the others.
Thanks all,
Darrel, that is who I sued before that I was looking for and couldn't remember the name. If only they had a banner here. ;)
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