Author Topic: Printavo and google calendar ?  (Read 2404 times)

Offline Homer

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Printavo and google calendar ?
« on: August 05, 2019, 02:37:48 PM »
anyone using this by chance? I know printavo is based off of a calendar but it's not really what I want. Right now, I have google calendar set up with colors and symbols so I can scan it and know every stage of every job. It looks like you con only display one stage at a time with printavo. So basically you know which step it is only by color.  I need to be able to see all processes in one spot without digging into each order. Huge time suck. I wonder if zapier can do it...

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Offline ZooCity

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Re: Printavo and google calendar ?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2019, 06:43:09 PM »
I setup an api call via Zapier to port Printavo jobs onto a gcal awhile back and it worked fine.  I can't recall why but it was at a sales reps request for some kind of scheduling/visualization they wanted but couldn't get out of the limited Printavo views. 

Yes, Printavo's workflow is linear only, not progressive.  Difficult to use practically.  We use our CRM to append some progressive check boxes to the workflow right now.   Printavo has an option to add a preset task group to jobs but you can't sort the tasks in any reasonable manner, let alone departmentally, so that's worse than useless for workflow.