Author Topic: Imprintables Offers New Demo Video Featuring A Four Year Old Creating A Turkey S  (Read 2729 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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One of the greatest benefits of using heat-applied graphics to create apparel is how easy it is to do. To demonstrate this, Imprintables’ newest demo video features Marley, a four year old. She demonstrates how to create a three-color design of a turkey with a brown body, a yellow gobbler, and yellow feathers.

Marley positions the turkey body on the shirt, which is made of Eco-Film and explains it needs to be heat pressed for 10 seconds. She then shows us the yellow gobbler, also in Eco-Film, and heat presses that. The final touch is the turkey’s feathers, which are cut out of Fashion Flock. She lines up the feathers, and counts to 10, going slightly over, which demonstrates how goof proof these heat seal materials can be.

The final result is proudly held up for all to see. Imprintables Warehouse regularly adds new educational and how-to videos to its youtube channel, which can be located with the keyword “Imprintables Warehouse.” Or you can always see the full library of videos at the website at To see this video, go to:
Marley's Thanksgiving Tee

Imprintables Warehouse is a full-service distributor of equipment and supplies to create a wide range of heat-applied graphics including digital inkjet and laser transfers, digital cutters, digital cutting software, heat-applied materials, heat presses, print/cut machines and sign materials. For more information, contact the company at 800-347-0068 fax: 724-583-0426; e-mail:; or visit

Offline Screened Gear

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I hope that the heat press was not on.  I can see it already: Marley age 4 burns the living f#$% out of her face trying to lower a heavy heat press on her turkey shirt. Imprintables Warehouse pays for reconstructive surgery and goes to jail for using child labor. What they don't tell you in the video is this poor 4 year old was forced to make 2000 of these turkey shirts.

Sorry I have a kid and I wouldn't let them 10 feet from that thing.

Offline mk162

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I grew up around all of this stuff.  It's best to tell your kids from a young age all the horror stories and they manage to respect the equipment.

A household stove is by far more dangerous than a heat press.  Boiling liquid shower anyone?  It would be hard to get anything above a 1st degree burn with a heat press.

Offline Screened Gear

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I agree with you. The heat press is not on in the video (desplay is not on) I was just trying to be funny...

Offline mk162

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Probably would have helped if I watched the video.

The worst injury I've ever gotten here was a paper cutter to the thumb.  You'd think an 11 year old could run one of those.

Offline Homer

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i just put a drill bit in my finger yesterday drilling out the screw hole in some new squeegie blade. you would think an 11 year old would have set the stupid rubber on the table and NOT try to be a wiseass and hold it in their hands. . .fun times.
...keep doing what you're doing, you'll only get what you've got...

Offline Screened Gear

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The girl in the video is 4.

Offline mk162

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i put a pair of weeding tweezers in my index finger about 1/4" deep yesterday.  Good times.

Offline screenxpress

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And you people run presses?  ::)

Wait, who am I to talk?  4 months ago I was putting casters on my workhorse (by myself) and the press shifted....on my finger.  Looked like a squashed grape. 5 stitches and a new finger nail and (almost) good as new.  :'(
Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.  Will Rogers

Offline mjrprint

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I was trying to find an air leak in the press and wasn't quick enough getting my hand out from the chopper when it raised up. Yea that hurts. Not to mention trying to get the words out for the guy ten feet away to push the (insert expletives) red button haha. He just stared at me like a confused dog.

Offline mk162

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Usually a safe word like Mother F8cker is a good one.  I always like to use safe words.

Offline mjrprint

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haha I am pretty sure that was used several times that day and days following. "if that mf'er didnt have headphones on he would have heard me yellin to hit that mfing emergency stop!"

Offline benopposite

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Whether you're 4 or 44, everyone makes dumb mistakes even while doing the simplest things. Ever notice how most injuries have some embarrassing story behind them? I've broken my ankle while riding a dirtbike--but not while doing awesome jumps, just while I was trying to park it. Obviously I usually lie about that.

Anyway we have a new Christmas video of Marley using ExactPrint to make an elf t-shirt! There's a Christmas elf on it, also since Marley is 4 the t-shirt is elf-size. But the video is really adorable and there are instructions on using ExactPrint for quick garment transfers! Check it out here: