screen printing > Non Textile
Pad Printing Equipment?
We have built in demand due to our business model. We get requests for the same products over and over across most our stores so stocking blanks would be easy. The difficult part for us isn't inventory management of blank stock fortunately. We already do this for shirts, hats, koozies, totes, mugs, and a host of other products we can produce with our current production capabilities. I definitely understand a retail shop that primarily focuses on shirts being wary of adding something like this, but we are primarily a fulfillment company, began as a sticker and DTG company, and have added things like screenprinting, dye sub, buttons, etc as requests from our stores have made it necessary and every time it has been worth it. I come from the screenprinting side and my company was essentially absorbed as our screen department and our apparel sales have gone up literally 1000% in the last 2 years, just as an example.
--- Quote from: balloonguy on April 24, 2019, 04:55:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: 3Deep on April 24, 2019, 02:06:25 PM ---Rick is 100% right we bought pad printing equipment years ago, found one place that we could buy blanks for a decent price, then order qty was a problem. We gave up and just sent people to the company or we just ordered and added a small fee which was really not worth our time, but I did learn how to pad print which we did stuff for us to give away.
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Do you mind sharing the decent place for blanks? We have a pad printer that does not get much use because I never did find a great source for blanks...
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They are no longer in biz, main reason I stopped pad printing, blanks cost to much as someone mention you might as well let them print it for you. We use to print coffee cups cost as much to ship as the mugs cost and then I would get some broken. They have a pretty good lock on this part of the biz, if your looking to do smaller amounts, you pay way to much for blanks.
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