Author Topic: Auto Printing Light  (Read 1150 times)

Offline discounttshirts

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Auto Printing Light
« on: April 01, 2019, 06:30:22 PM »
So I am open to suggestions- i have a Javelin 6/8 Auto I had a job setup with white/gold/black and had to change the gold to end of the run due to the small gold text being covered by the dot gain on the black -- so after we reset it - the black prints light on heads 3 and 8 only. the white it on a 180 with the gold and black on 230's

Just a few months ago we replaced all the squegee rubber and releveled the boards - i am open to suggestions- it is in head #3 and we dont use it much - mostly when you do sim process and head 3 almost always has the red screen - its possible it has been this way we just didn't notice-- do you think it could be the head or are we talking strictly about a board problem - the press is 8 years old aluminum boards- I guess we could switch out the 3 and 8  boards with another and see if the problem moves also?
thanks for any help

Offline blue moon

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Re: Auto Printing Light
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2019, 09:15:51 AM »
it would not be the platens, they rotate from head to head. It could be many things a picture or a video would help. Trying to figure out what light means without visuals is difficult.
To clarify, you took the black screen that was printing fine and moved it to head 3 and it is now depositing less ink? Were you using the same squeegee and floodbar angles? Same pressures and speed?

based on the limited amount of info here I would guess air delivery problem or head out of alignment. Getting more info will help figure it out.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline aauusa

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Re: Auto Printing Light
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2019, 09:28:11 AM »
we have the same press and i would look at adjusting the pressure to make sure you are clearing the screen.  when we move a color which has been in one head for a while like your black and red(we do the same red in 3 and black in 6 majority of the time)   but when we move black into 3 we have to read just the pressure.  this is where I would start.