screen printing > Non Textile

Digital mug printing?

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This is a business we want to get into as well and have been looking into UV printers. I would be curious to hear what you those.

Now I'm are you looking to digitally print a mug?

There are a number of different uv digital printers that work on mugs, we just haven't decided on one mainly due to not talking to shops actually running them. Have only found a connection for one brand so far.

Is that like a 30k investment?


--- Quote from: mimosatexas on February 02, 2019, 07:14:05 PM ---There are a number of different uv digital printers that work on mugs, we just haven't decided on one mainly due to not talking to shops actually running them. Have only found a connection for one brand so far.

--- End quote ---

That's pretty much where we are in the process.


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