Author Topic: Stock art and personalization. The Idea Place.  (Read 828 times)

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Stock art and personalization. The Idea Place.
« on: January 10, 2019, 06:24:11 PM »
Speaking of art....You weren't speaking of art?  Lets do that.

Stock art and personalization.

I just popped into a nice website selling nice stock Die sub and DTG designs. Good stuff. Great source. They had many designs to choose from. Nothing real elaborate, but basic good stuff people need every day.  Thats perfect right?

I thought about all of the designs I had done while I was at a shop that did athletic prints for high school coaches. Non of those were from stock designs. I thought man, if those customer woulda have only just gotten this stock design or that stock design I'd of avoided all of that "meeting time". Then it hit me. I remembered all of those times when the head coach for basketball...or softball, or basketball...heck,  ALL OF THEM, would come in to see the design in person...and then suggest changes. Of course a suggestion is actually a formal request when it comes to a customer, so... They loved to get their hands in on the "design process" I guess to add their own flare or put their mark on it. Control it. Ya know.

So it came to me (again, since this comes to me every so often), that these stock places, the stock art are great for ideas...or those buying it. probably have to go through some hassle when their customer wants to put their mark on it and change things up. Again, we here that same thing that keep popping up. Customization. Yup.  Seems a lot of STOCK designs places are more of an "idea place". I can see the frustration for you. You buy it, you add in a name change and badda bing, you want to drop on 38 shirts. NOPE. Turns out, you need an Artist to make changes for this high school coach, and the basketball coach, and and...

Stock art and personalization at it's finest.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail