Author Topic: Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases  (Read 1636 times)

Offline Cole

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Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases
« on: November 26, 2018, 06:58:23 PM »
Hey all,

I have been siting on a bunch of fusion pigments and want to make some stock colors, but I'm unsure of how much pigment to put into my CCI base. The max pigment load for Green Galaxy's base is 20% I believe, but I'm afraid to add that much to the CCI base and find curing issues down the line. Does anyone know a good starting point, percentage wise, to add to my CCI base?

Offline Maff

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Re: Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2018, 08:06:37 PM »
We've been using the GG Fusion pigments for years now. But more recently we have been  using other brand bases and have found that the same formulas work just fine and we wash test constantly.

Offline Cole

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Re: Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2018, 08:31:48 AM »
We've been using the GG Fusion pigments for years now. But more recently we have been  using other brand bases and have found that the same formulas work just fine and we wash test constantly.

So would you say that 20% pigment load is safe for a proper cure and wash fastness? Or should I shoot lower like 15% ?

Offline Maff

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Re: Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2018, 08:48:51 AM »
We've been using the GG Fusion pigments for years now. But more recently we have been  using other brand bases and have found that the same formulas work just fine and we wash test constantly.

So would you say that 20% pigment load is safe for a proper cure and wash fastness? Or should I shoot lower like 15% ?
I've only gone up to 20 on certain colors, most of my mixes are between 15-20.
I'm pretty sure the pigments can go up to 25, but I've never gone that high. And I think the white pigment is curable on its own. Also I've added in the booster colors to my formulas the same way, but those are also curable on their own.

Either way, ive been able to use my same formulas regardless of the base. We have used Matsui bases with the fusion pigments and now using Virus bases and everything has worked just fine so far. Curing the same way as well, 320 for 2.5-3 min

Offline Cole

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Re: Fusion Pigments mixed with non Green Galaxy bases
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2018, 09:01:37 AM »
We've been using the GG Fusion pigments for years now. But more recently we have been  using other brand bases and have found that the same formulas work just fine and we wash test constantly.

So would you say that 20% pigment load is safe for a proper cure and wash fastness? Or should I shoot lower like 15% ?
I've only gone up to 20 on certain colors, most of my mixes are between 15-20.
I'm pretty sure the pigments can go up to 25, but I've never gone that high. And I think the white pigment is curable on its own. Also I've added in the booster colors to my formulas the same way, but those are also curable on their own.

Either way, ive been able to use my same formulas regardless of the base. We have used Matsui bases with the fusion pigments and now using Virus bases and everything has worked just fine so far. Curing the same way as well, 320 for 2.5-3 min

I'll probably start with 15% then and see what happens. I'll just make a small batch of ink, print a color swatch, and wash test it before doing any production. Thanks for the insight!