Author Topic: A Sincere Thanks to our Screen Printing Industry  (Read 1486 times)

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A Sincere Thanks to our Screen Printing Industry
« on: December 12, 2011, 05:48:24 PM »
Ladies & Gentlemen:

I & everyone here at Team Action Engineering would like to extend our most sincere appreciation for what is turning out to be a remarkably productive year. While 2011 sales may not have been a record breaker, more was accomplished this year to develop and refine our product line than ever before. The year 2011 saw refinements to our most popular products and additions of many others. Also - we have advanced the quality of our production machinery and processes to continue quality and production improvements. We are now able to complete your orders in lightening speed and with unsurpassed quality.

As always - we welcome your feedback and input and would like to hear from you how you believe we can improve our company. What products do you think we should focus on? What challenges are you having that you feel we may be able to assist you with? Looking forward to hearing everyone's ideas.

Once again - thank you.

Action Engineering, Inc.