Author Topic: bolding the center registration on photoshop  (Read 4855 times)

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bolding the center registration on photoshop
« on: October 09, 2018, 09:48:07 AM »
does anyone know how to bolden the top and bottom center registration lines on photoshop? I'm trying to use them to help me place the screen in more accurately into my press because the way it comes out now, the center registration marks are not opaque enough for it to be burned when the screen is being exposed


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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2018, 10:00:49 AM »
I would bring your file into illustrator and add your own custom registration marks there. The stock ones are real bad. Color Separations For Screen Printers

Offline Sbrem

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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2018, 10:35:04 AM »
I would bring your file into illustrator and add your own custom registration marks there. The stock ones are real bad.

this, but, if it's not opaque enough, making it more bold won't solve that. However, select the mark with your magic wand tool set to Contiguous, then under the Select menu, Modify/Expand, then fill with black. I don't know what your resolution is, but try 1  pixel first.

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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2018, 10:39:59 AM »
I am not a Photoshop expert, usually deferring to CorelDRAW and Photopaint, but years ago, when a buddy was trying to teach me Photoshop 7, he suggested that I make my favorite reg marks into brushes, and use them rather than the stock options.
Perhaps one of you Photoshop guys could explain that technique as well.
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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 09:07:11 PM »
I do it in PS all the time. 

I made a Registration Brush.  Wasn't that hard as I remember.  I work in Channels (separations) and duplicate one of the Separation Channels, blank any image off it, drop rulers to determine the 4 points where I'm going to drop my Registrations.  Set the 4 Registrations (its a outline circle with cross X) with Black Ink.  Then I 'merge' the Registration Channel onto each of the Separation Channels and print each Channel.

This is off the cuff.  IM me if you need more info.

I found this set of instructions for making a Reg brush in my notes. 
I did not read it over, so I hope it's still accurate

Use one dedicated Channel ONLY for Regs and then 'Merge' that Channel to all printable Channels
so the Regs all hit the same spot.

Make a 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch Registration Mark Brush

Create a New Canvas of .5 inch by .5 inch - 500 Resolution - RGB - White Background

Click the Move Tool

Pull a ruler line down from the top to mark the "middle" of the canvas - should be 8 clicks down

Pull a ruler line from the left across to mark the "middle" of the canvas - should be 8 clicks over

Set Foreground to Black

Select Elipse Tool - Using the options for the Tool on top (drop down arrow) -  Select "Fixed Size" of .22 inch by .22 inch and "Center".  Ber sure to make the setting look like this ".22 in".  If you leave off the "in", it will not work.

Position the Elipse "plus sign" on the middle of the intersecting Margin Lines (center of canvas) and click left mouse button.  Crosshair will go transparent when on center.  This should put a Black circle on the canvas

Go back to the Tool control on top and change the size to .19 inch by .19 inch

Make the Foreground White - possibly just swap foreground for background

Create a New Layer (for the white center) - Don't bother naming it as we will flatten the image later

Click on the New Layer - Layer should be on top in the list and turned on for editing (blue)

Position the Elipse "plus sign" on the middle of the intersecting Margin Lines (center of canvas) and click left mouse button again.  This should put a White circle centered in the middle of the Black circle

Now to create the crosshairs for the Registration Mark

Create another New Layer

Click on the New Layer - Layer should be on top in the list and turned on for editing (blue)

Click the Move Tool and drag new Rulers down and drop at 2 clicks from top and another 2 clicks from the bottom

Do the same for vertical rulers 2 click from left and another 2 click from the right.  This is just to help you determine the ends of the crosshairs

Select the Line tool, set the Weight to "5 px" and make the Foreground to Black again

Put the Line "plus sign" to the left of the circle on the crossing Margin lines and HOLDING down the SHIFT KEY, left click and drag across to the crossing Margin lines on the right of the circle

Now do the same thing from top to bottom of the circle

Click the "Move Tool" and move all the Margin lines back to the margins - Click and drag

Now "Merge Visable" to flatten the registration

Click on Edit - Define Brush Preset - Name as 1/2 Inch Registration and click OK - Brush is now in your Brush Selections at the bottom.  To use, just drop on any canvas where you need a registration mark

Exit out and do not save that working canvas

« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 09:18:26 PM by screenxpress »
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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2018, 10:27:46 PM »
I made my reg marks with registration color stroke on a layer in Illy, exported the file to PS and saved that as my working file in PS that I start my designs in. I also have the Illy file with reg marks saved for jobs I design in Illy. My reg marks are the consistent whether I'm in working Illy or PS.

Offline Sbrem

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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2018, 10:14:43 AM »
I print from Illustrator only; I size the files and separate in Photoshop if it's a raster file, then "place" in Illustrator with a template we made up (about 20 years ago).

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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2018, 12:06:56 PM »
I print from Illustrator only; I size the files and separate in Photoshop if it's a raster file, then "place" in Illustrator with a template we made up (about 20 years ago).


So when you place into illustrator, do you have your registration marks in the same spot if it is for a 13" tall print vs. a left chest print?

Im trying to stream line my registration mark process, but I dont want to waste a bunch of film for left chest stuff. 

Offline Sbrem

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Re: bolding the center registration on photoshop
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2018, 12:48:05 PM »
I print from Illustrator only; I size the files and separate in Photoshop if it's a raster file, then "place" in Illustrator with a template we made up (about 20 years ago).


So when you place into illustrator, do you have your registration marks in the same spot if it is for a 13" tall print vs. a left chest print?

Im trying to stream line my registration mark process, but I dont want to waste a bunch of film for left chest stuff.

Our template has layers for full front, left front, and sleeve/leg, each layer with it's own set of Registration colored registration marks. If it's saved as a "Template", every time you open it, it's "Untitled" so you can't overwrite it, for those that don't know that trick...

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