Hello to Everyone!
First time to post on any forums...I have a good buddy that has told me great things about this forum, so I decide to join.
As my business continues to grow and taking on more difficult jobs and not much time to learn or do R&D I'm hoping to get some tips and pointers so I can spend more time on actual productions. (Im also wanting to share my learnings)
Where am at now with my equipment so you guys can understand my strengths or challenges.
2000 M&R Gaunlet II Revolver 10/12
2 antique cayenne flashes (they work)
Vastex dryer
Vastex Mannual 6/6
2 Happy Japan 15 Needle single Embroidery machines
Not sure if its important to share all of this but thought I would.
I look forward to meeting you guys and to learn more about Screenprinting and Embroidery!