screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

Comfort Colors Discharge Rating Chart

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Thanks for the help here guys!

I've attached the shirt we would be printing, using a white/black/ and blue design. Not terribly worried about the black and white colors, but trying to discharge a blue on an orange shirt makes me nervous  about the outcome.

I would order a couple samples and do a quick test. Possibly even set it up for a customer approval. 

Thanks Rick, I may just have to test these out. May just do a discharge base for the area of the design that is blue and see how that prints.

one tip. With comfort colors beware of the tag color. If the tag color is dyed usually there will be a problem with that size. They make different sizes in different plants sometimes and different spreads of the fabric depending on the patterns being used at that time. I have had everything discharge exept say the small. then notice that size was made in haiti and all the others in honduras. 


--- Quote from: RICK STEFANICK on September 27, 2018, 08:24:15 PM ---one tip. With comfort colors beware of the tag color. If the tag color is dyed usually there will be a problem with that size. They make different sizes in different plants sometimes and different spreads of the fabric depending on the patterns being used at that time. I have had everything discharge exept say the small. then notice that size was made in haiti and all the others in honduras.

--- End quote ---

Interesting to know, I have noticed the tags on them being dyed when we get them. I'll have to keep an eye on that since printing on this brand is new to me.


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