Author Topic: Anatol Trident 10/12 thinks it's a 6 color machine - *fixed  (Read 792 times)

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Anatol Trident 10/12 thinks it's a 6 color machine - *fixed
« on: September 24, 2018, 01:54:47 PM »
Started the press up, just like I do every few days every week lol, and it only recognized 6 heads and wouldn't engage the indexer fork because it thought it was already engaged....

I thought maybe the touch pad had gone bad, I have a new one on standby, so I dug it out to replace. Removed the control panel front cover, plugged in the new touch panel and started it back up...same problem :(

Sooo I plug the original screen BACK in and at this point there are screens and wires going in 12 different directions, turn it on, and something pops. Dead machine. Won't turn on AT ALL.

Dig around with the multimeter checking voltages here and there. Determine there's a popped low amp fuse. While doing the testing I notice a BATTERY on the pcb board behind the display on the control panel. What the heck, let's test the voltage of this 3V reads .2V. Dead battery!!

Replace the battery and the fuse and boom, machine turns on! Still only registers 6 heads!!! BUT, since the battery died I assumed some settings were lost. Sure enough, dig down into machine size and free-index settings and turn my machine back into a 10/12 it was born to be.

Long story short - THERE'S A BATTERY BEHIND THE CONTROL PANEL DISPLAY. IF THE MAIN BATTERY UNDER THE MACHINE NEEDS TO BE REPLACED (SEE MY OTHER THREAD FROM A WHILE BACK) THEN CHANCES ARE YOU SHOULD REPLACE THE DISPLAY BATTERY TOO! Just figured I'd imprint this tidbit of info into the interwebs for future millennials with work-ethic (boom: roasted) to find.