General > Introduction

Hellooooo from New York~


Hello friends

I am new to screen printing. As you guys will probably assume, I've been going through a tough learning curve, came across various problems, and have many questions.
Decided it would be a smart idea to join this forum to learn and eventually help others learn as well.
Hoping to build relationships here where we can share our experiences (good and/or bad) together!
Excited to see how my future unfolds in this industry :)

Much thanks,

Welcome! This is the place to be.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Glad you found us!

Welcome, Tons of great information here. I am also in New York, down in Brooklyn.

Welcome! I'm in the Hudson Valley. This forum is the best community around, incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. I've learned so much here over the years.


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